
By the way

How good is the new Fucked Up?


From www.PunkRockReview.org:

Angleworm - "Post Rock"

Angleworm - "Post Rock" - I’ve been talking about Angleworm for sometime now and still haven’t been able to understand why they haven’t taken the punk rock community by the proverbial horns yet. It’s not often that a band comes out of nowhere and blows you away with their level of talent and passion like Angleworm has done for me. Their newest release “Post Rock” is a well rounded example of what these guys have to offer. Specializing in the kind of scratchy voiced Berkley styled street punk that was to the masses by Operation Ivy, Angleworm creates a memorable punk rock anthem. Their obvious enthusiasm and talent make this album stand above many of the other punk rock offerings that have come out this year. Songs like “Debt or Glory“ and ““are simple songs that have the feel of pop punk and street punk at the same time. All while deep seeded personal feelings towards the failure of our government and society are felt in great songs such as “Steal this song” & “The Kids Are Getting Dumber”. Anyway you say, “Post Rock” provides a fine cornucopia of punk noise to stimulate your ears and your mind. Angleworm has deep street punk political view, but come across with more intelligence and well thought out lyrics than the typical Right-Wing elitist. Their delivery really makes their song stand out above all others who are currently trying to pull this sound off. The difference is that Angleworm puts so much passion and instrumental talent into every song that you can not only feel what they’re singing, but envision the words as they enter your ears. They definitely realize that it takes a certain amount of seriousness crossed with personal self awareness to put across great songs that transcend the snobbiness of the punk rock genre. Angleworm’s singer (Christopher Clark, *I think*), really puts his all in the vocals, ending up somewhere between Jesse Michaels (of Operation Ivy) and Ian McKay (of Minor Threat). The guitar/ bass interplay adds the little personal touches that gives Angleworm’s music the depth it needs, ‘a ‘la, Operation Ivy and/or early day Rancid. With all of these comparisons, it may seem as though Angleworm is unoriginal or just another decent band. Luckily, Punk Rock provides itself bands such as Angleworm, and they throw enough of their own personality into the music to give it their own individual stamp that can be recognized immediately. Overall this album is a fantastic DIY digital release that has buttloads of potential, but just hasn’t had the opportunity to prove itself to the punk rock community. I can’t wait until the day when to world is in love with Angleworm and I can sit back and say “I told you so!”

Oh yeah this album is available for free download on their myspace page!

